IMS - Datalogging - File size and content
During a machine cycle, files containing a header and data are sent at regular intervals to the ftp server.
Between cycles, a file containing just a header is sent at the same time interval to act as a watchdog
and confirm that the network is fuctional.
Typical settings and data rates are shown below.
Machine type Washer/Disinfector Autoclave/Steriliser Typical cycle time 45 to 90 mins 20 to 45 mins datalog interval 5 seconds 1 second ftp interval 5 minutes 1 minute Number of files/cycle 9 to 18 20 to 45 data file size 3.7k bytes 3k bytes watchdog file size* 30 bytes 31 bytes Data per cycle 33k to 66k bytes 60k to 102k bytes at 5 cycles per day 165k to 330k bytes/day 300k to 600k bytes/day for 356 days 60-120 MB/year 109-218 MB/year*The watchdog file size is directly influenced by the name used for the machine as it is sent at the start of each header row.
Example header file Steriliser ID,70,1,67,84,85,69
Example data file Steriliser ID,70,1,67,84,85,69 110914_060737,123456,99.9,275.00,0,0,1,13179,0 110914_060738,123456,100.0,269.00,0,0,1,13180,1 110914_060739,123456,100.1,264.00,0,0,1,13181,2