IMS - qkuro - Backing up files

The code snippets shown below are for demonstration purposes only and should only be used by qualified personnel. (Microsoft Windows Vista - see note below.)

The qkuro contains four files which determine the pages shown on the Web pages and the data sent over ftp and shown in the Energy Profile.

       dir.txt         a directory listing      read only
       clone.icf       the IP configuration     read/write
       log.csv         the entire datalog file  read only
       webpages.fat    all the individual       read/write
                       webpages as one file
Access to the files is through tftpi and a command can be carried out by creating a single line file with a .bat extension. Vista users will have to ensure that the tftp, which is always included as a standard feature, is enabled.
tftp -i GET dir.txt dir.txt 
This will GET the clone file from a qkuro with an IP address of and create a read only file in the same directory called clone.icf. (Tftp uses port 69 so can normally only be used locally thus preventing any unauthorised remote access to these files. The port can be deliberately opened with port forwarding or a DMZ.) Adding pause to the file then enables you to check that the command completed successfully before acknowledging it and closing the command window.
tftp -i GET dir.txt dir.txt 
All four files can be saved by including the four tftp GET commands in one file.
tftp -i GET dir.txt dir.txt 
tftp -i GET log.csv log.csv
tftp -i GET webpages.fat webpages.fat
tftp -i GET clone.icf clone.icf
As the files are read only this will not normally overwrite earlier files.


The sample code shown below creates file names which include the IP address and the local time and date. This enables better records to be maintained and files are unlikely to be overwritten.

set WP_defaultIP=

for /F "tokens=1-4 delims=/:., " %%a in ('date/T') do set f_name=%%c%%b%%a
for /F "tokens=1-2 delims=:., " %%a in ('time/T') do set f_name=%f_name%_%%a%%b
tftp -i %WP_defaultIP% GET dir.txt __%WP_defaultIP%_%f_name%_dir.txt 
rem notepad __%WP_defaultIP%_%f_name%_dir.txt  

for /F "tokens=1-4 delims=/:., " %%a in ('date/T') do set f_name=%%c%%b%%a
for /F "tokens=1-2 delims=:., " %%a in ('time/T') do set f_name=%f_name%_%%a%%b
tftp -i %WP_defaultIP% GET clone.icf __%WP_defaultIP%_%f_name%_clone.icf
copy  __%WP_defaultIP%_%f_name%_clone.icf __%WP_defaultIP%_clone.icf
rem notepad __%WP_defaultIP%_%f_name%_clone.icf  

for /F "tokens=1-4 delims=/:., " %%a in ('date/T') do set f_name=%%c%%b%%a
for /F "tokens=1-2 delims=:., " %%a in ('time/T') do set f_name=%f_name%_%%a%%b
tftp -i %WP_defaultIP% GET log.csv __%WP_defaultIP%_%f_name%_log.csv 
rem notepad __%WP_defaultIP%_%f_name%_log.csv  

for /F "tokens=1-4 delims=/:., " %%a in ('date/T') do set f_name=%%c%%b%%a
for /F "tokens=1-2 delims=:., " %%a in ('time/T') do set f_name=%f_name%_%%a%%b
tftp -i %WP_defaultIP% GET webpages.fat __%WP_defaultIP%_%f_name%_webpages.fat 
rem notepad __%WP_defaultIP%_%f_name%_webpages.fat  


Microsoft Windows Vista.
tftp may need to be enabled - see

Product overview
  • Webserver
  • Automatically Control
    • Heaters
    • Coolers
    • Humidity
    • Lighting
  • Power over Etherneti
  • Universal Input
  • Contact Output
  • New Linear Output
  • New Solid State Relay Output
  • New Autotune PIDi Control
  • AJAXi technology
  • Modbusi TCP/IP
  • Graph Plotting
  • Datalogging